Conscious Paths
Conscious Paths
Sufi Music, The Pulse of Love
Sufi music provides a space to experience closeness with divinity and love, and Sufis have always been inclined towards the musical expressions of their poetries.
A warmhearted talk, where Manish describes his latest album, Salaam E Sufi, explaining how the Sufi path has inspired the seven tracks on his new CD along many years on his musical journey as composer: "Sufi songs have this flavor of Love, Ishq Haqiqi: the love affair with the Truth."
Sufism is a path of love, devotion and surrender. And when surrender happens, one journey ends and another journey begins: a journey of total trust, peace and freedom.
Sufi mystics wrote some amazing poetries down the centuries and down the ages, where they expressed their longing for dissolving into nothingness (dissolving of the ego) and these songs in "Salaam E Sufi" reflect the ideas inspired by the Sufis in a musical interpretation. These Sufi poetries are drenched with this kind of love and longing for the Supreme, that which is eternal.
"The only lasting beauty is the beauty of the heart." Rumi
Music at the beginning and end of the podcast, from the album "Salaam E Sufi".
#music #poetry #sufi #kabir #bulleshah #trust #bliss #innerjourney