Conscious Paths
For lovers of arts, traditions, culture inspired in the ancient wise India presented thru its different colors and manifestations. Music, Meditation, Yogis and Yoga (the true one), Mantras, Wisdom, tools for growth. Inspirations and contributions from all over the world that nurture the different paths that can be explored by any seeker of truth.
Conscious Paths
An interview about the documentary-film project "True World of Mantra"
Manish Vyas
Season 1
Episode 35
"It is important to bring an understanding that Mantra is not just limited to a musical format which brings you to a 'nice space,' since this format does not release its full potential. Mantra is not only what makes you come into a nice space, but it is something which can also work practically on various dimensions of one's life."
"The documentary will open up on how much more Mantras have to give to people, provided that they have the right access to the information, proper understanding, proper guidance, proper practice."