Conscious Paths
Conscious Paths
Understanding Gayatri Mantra
With roots along the ancient path of Sanatan Dharma, many different roads have been used amid thousands of years to arrive to the same ultimate destination, realize the God within. One of these paths is mantra, the science of sound, by which one can invoke a particular energy through the use of certain sounds. One of the most famous texts has been known as Gayatri Mantra, which is in Sanskrit and comes from the Rig Veda.
In the occasion of his recent 8-minute Gayatri Mantra release and his upcoming release of 108-chanting, Manish Vyas presents the subject of Gayatri in a half hour podcast, with very interesting stories and information which may help any person from any background interested in the subject know more about the incredible science of sound from India, and moreover, understand how to approach it.
What is the best way to use this mantra, what is its origin, who was the author and the history behind it, what kind of music should be used with it, what are its essential elements, what is Gayatri Sadhana, how to use it for listening meditation or pranayam practice...? These are some of the points covered in this pleasant interview.
"Important is that the purpose of each mantra is served; the reason why mantras are there, has never been to use them for entertainment, but firstly to be aware of what we are dealing with when we talk about 'mantra' in general and each mantra in particular; and second, use them adequately and if possible keeping in sight their full potential. Then their purpose is served with grace and respect to this ancient practice discovered by enlightened sages, wise ancestors of humanity." Manish
Gayatri Mantra link : www.manishvyas.com/gayatri
Youtube video : https://youtu.be/YDKNkIYgWT8