Conscious Paths
Conscious Paths
From Gross to Subtle in the World of Yoga and Mantra
The focus in India has always been to find inner richness, inner fulfillment. For this, different tools and paths have been used since millennia. These traditions have been practiced and followed in a certain way... which ultimate point is the attainment of liberation, the highest vibrational level in human plane.
Yoga is a path of spiritual growth deeply rooted in an ancient heritage -- not exercise. Mantra is a deep spiritual sacred practice based on the science of sound -- not a music show.
Many different subjects about the world of those spiritual practices from India are covered in this interview. Simple questions with straight forward and realistic answers. What is mantra, where does it come from, who are the creators, where were they documented, when something is a mantra, the power of Sanskrit, what is Naad Yoga, what is the actual mantra tradition.
The podcast also covers a sincere, open and honest explanation related to the meaning and practice of Yoga as a way of life of excellence, and how it arrived to the west to soon loose or forget the connection to the source, to the essence, to the true meaning of yoga and its ultimate purpose.
“If you want to reach the soundless first you have to come in contact with the right sound. When you come in contact with the right source, your spiritual journey can start – from the sound to the soundless; from the gross to the most subtle.”
This talk is part of an interview conducted by Marc Zürcher, an architect from Zürich who is also a Yoga student since many years. Some pieces have been cut due to its length. Gratitude to him for this interview and for his genuine interest.